4th Place | Voted Out 3-1
By Jeff Probst
#7331 :'( :'( :'( , You know I think the world of you and I'm so proud of how you did in Stranded. You freaking murdered that shit and it was awesome!!!!!

Please let us know what you thought about Stranded, if you would play again, who you hated / loved and what you would do differently.

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Jeff Probst

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By Nadiya
Jeff Probst wrote::'( :'( :'( , You know I think the world of you and I'm so proud of how you did in Stranded. You freaking murdered that shit and it was awesome!!!!!

Please let us know what you thought about Stranded, if you would play again, who you hated / loved and what you would do differently.


I had way more fun in Stranded than I did when I played Big Brother with you guys haha. But the same thing happened!!!!! LAST JURY AGAIN! I would definitely play again because honestly now it's like a mission of mine.

I loved Dale the most (obviously) He was so fun to talk to and we just always got along since day 1. Even after I voted Dan out we still made up and continued being allies. I think if I had to do anything differently, it would have been to vote Val out over So because So sucked at competitions and I would have won that last one. icon_lol
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By Jeff Probst
#7874 We would have you back every season and let you be last juror <333 Although you gotta stop that whole 1 alliance pagonging thing... XD
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Jeff Probst

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By Nadiya
Jeff Probst wrote:We would have you back every season and let you be last juror <333 Although you gotta stop that whole 1 alliance pagonging thing... XD

I know I make the game super boring LOL Next time I play I will not be the last juror... hopefully not even on the jury. Going to play differently, unless it's in my nature and I'm just unaware of it lmao! icon_lol
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  • Juror
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