4th Place | Voted Out 3-1
By Kelly Wigles
#4189 Hey Nadiya! here are your customary confessional prompts :)

1) So you finally played your public idol, how does it feel losing that extra layer of protection for pretty much no reason?

2) So far it's looking like Yali is just going to steamroll over Asmat, how does this make you feel? Can you trust the people you are aligned with now?

3) How do you think the two jury members feel about you and your game so far?
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By Jeff Probst
#4205 As we know, the smaller the numbers get the more likely it is that someone in your alliance might take advantage of the remaining few Asmat members. Unless that person is you... Do you think that someone will beat you to flipping on the Yali alliance?
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By Nadiya
#4232 1) So you finally played your public idol, how does it feel losing that extra layer of protection for pretty much no reason?
I'm annoyed but at least people don't know I have the other idol.. that gives me a bit of protection. Everything was just too crazy and my name was being thrown around. I do regret using it though.

2) So far it's looking like Yali is just going to steamroll over Asmat, how does this make you feel? Can you trust the people you are aligned with now?
Yali as in old Yali or new? I can't trust anyone at this point.

3) How do you think the two jury members feel about you and your game so far?

I think Kelly respects me. I told the truth to her and never told her I wouldn't vote her or that i was voting anyone else so hopefully she can appreciate that.
Dan... haha who knows what Dan is ever thinking tbh.
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By Nadiya
#4233 As we know, the smaller the numbers get the more likely it is that someone in your alliance might take advantage of the remaining few Asmat members. Unless that person is you... Do you think that someone will beat you to flipping on the Yali alliance?
I think Val already has. I'm playing nice with them though... but I'm not sure whether I would flip.. they seem like a group of liars. :/
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By Kelly Wigles
#4236 Hey Nadiya, what would you do if you were in a situation similar to them?
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By Nadiya
#4251 Hey Nadiya, what would you do if you were in a situation similar to them?

Sorry but I don't know who "them" is. icon_confused
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By Nadiya
#4262 What's going on? Looks like some turmoil in private messages.

Well 1. I lied to myself when I JUST talked about this yesterday. I'm kind of hurt about Dale hating me right now because I honestly wanted to work with him. People put shit into my head and therefore I didn't vote for who he wanted to. Dan was being an ass to me and val hasn't been rude to me ever so of course I chose Dan. Not sure if it was worth pissing off Dale.

Also I'm finding out Reed is a liar and a fake as well which is shocking considering I've trusted him since day 1.

And last but not least, I didn't know what to talk about with Drew so I'm basically faking being SUPER upset to get some sympathy with him. It's kind of fun considering he's probably the most fake person in this game. I'm just seeing how fake he can get. So far he's told me "I'm the most genuine person in this game." If only he knew how badly I want him out.
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By Kelly Wigles
#4275 How is your relationship with Dale now? Are you back in each other's good graces?
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By Nadiya
#4279 How is your relationship with Dale now? Are you back in each other's good graces?

I honestly have NO idea. Even if we don't work together game wise any more I don't want him to be upset personally.
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By Nadiya
Trashley Markwood wrote:Nadiya you a bitch and I love it lol <3 <3 <3

Love you baby. icon_wub
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By Kelly Wigles
Nadiya wrote:How is your relationship with Dale now? Are you back in each other's good graces?

I honestly have NO idea. Even if we don't work together game wise any more I don't want him to be upset personally.

How was your relationship with him before? You two seem to have bonded pretty genuinely.
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By Nadiya
#4303 How was your relationship with him before? You two seem to have bonded pretty genuinely.

Well we don't just talk about game so I really appreciate that. I even showed him a piece of my artwork. He's the only person that actually cares to talk personally and isn't being fake about it.

We've been a team since like day one or two and I wasn't sure if I could trust him because of all the rumours going around. And I think those rumours may have fucked me over. But we will have to see. I think he's getting a little nicer now and realizing who the true enemies are and that they're not me.
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By Jeff Varner
#4692 Hey Nadiya, what were your thoughts on that challenge - both results and guesses?

Also, can you please give me a game status update in the form of a trust ranking? Something like ranking your other tribemates 1-8 with a trust score /10

So if you trust me the most, you'd go:

1. Jeff Varner: 10

so on and so forth.
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By Nadiya
#4705 Hey Nadiya, what were your thoughts on that challenge - both results and guesses?
I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to put their true thoughts. Honestly I think everyone just put who they thought everyone else would guess... unless I'm the only smart one :P

Also, can you please give me a game status update in the form of a trust ranking? Something like ranking your other tribemates 1-8 with a trust score /10

1. Dale: 9
2. Jaclyn: 8
3. Val: 6
4. Joaq: 4
5. So: 2
6. Drew: 2
7. Jenn: 1
8. Reed: 1
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By Kelly Wigles
#4734 Hey Nadiya, given your rankings, is your ideal final 3, you, Dale and Jaclyn?

Also, tell us about your artwork, how long have you been into art and what are your interests with it?
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By Nadiya
#4745 Hey Nadiya, given your rankings, is your ideal final 3, you, Dale and Jaclyn?
No not at all. Honestly I think So and Val would be great people do be with in a final 3 situation because they have done nothing. In my eyes jac has done nothing either but after that comp yesterday and people called her an all star... that makes me think she's more on the ball than I think she is.

Also, tell us about your artwork, how long have you been into art and what are your interests with it?
Haha I've always been into drawing and painting but it's more of just a hobby. If I could get into doing it more and possibly selling things that would be really cool though!
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