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Episode 07

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:37:13 pm
by Jeff Probst
Congratulations on making the merge!!! icon_chaos icon_mml icon_chaos

Before we get to any questions, I just have to say, this is a place 7 people really wanted to be and are still wishing they could trade places with you. DO NOT WASTE YOUR OPPORTUNITY. You do not want to get to the final three with absolutely nothing on your résumé and believe me "I was secretly pulling the strings, i promise" is not going to fly with the jury. Play your guts out! Even if you go home swinging, it's better than going home after being reamed in the final 3 for being a "goat." So show us what you are made up and above all else, HAVE FUN WITH IT. This is a game and you want something to remember.

So that's my pep talk.

Now that that's out of the way, I'll ask a few questions: Are you happy to reunite with some of the other tribemates? Do you trust them considering you spent a majority of the game apart? Have you gotten to know the other players in this game? Now that you are merged and it is a new beginning, are you fully taking advantage of this opportunity and exploring all of your options?

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:45:30 pm
by Kelly
Jeff Probst wrote:Congratulations on making the merge!!! icon_chaos icon_mml icon_chaos

Before we get to any questions, I just have to say, this is a place 7 people really wanted to be and are still wishing they could trade places with you. DO NOT WASTE YOUR OPPORTUNITY. You do not want to get to the final three with absolutely nothing on your résumé and believe me "I was secretly pulling the strings, i promise" is not going to fly with the jury. Play your guts out! Even if you go home swinging, it's better than going home after being reamed in the final 3 for being a "goat." So show us what you are made up and above all else, HAVE FUN WITH IT. This is a game and you want something to remember.

So that's my pep talk.

Now that that's out of the way, I'll ask a few questions: Are you happy to reunite with some of the other tribemates? Do you trust them considering you spent a majority of the game apart? Have you gotten to know the other players in this game? Now that you are merged and it is a new beginning, are you fully taking advantage of this opportunity and exploring all of your options?

I am kinda ehh on this whole scenario. I mean I would love to get to talk to all my new tribemates and Joaquin but Dan is gunning for all of us and is being a massive pain in the ass. I only really trust So at this point which scares me but I have 3 days to scramble and find an in. I am totally taking advantage of my opportunity and honestly my best option is to keep Dan around as long as possible. Most people hate him meaning he is prime goat status right now and I have to use that to my advantage.

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:58:55 pm
by Kelly
Oh man scrambling 3.0

Everyone is out to get everyone and I am trying to find a seam to make my way through the next vote... or two... or three..

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 10:17:26 pm
by Jeff Probst
It seemed like initially in the game you were dominating Asmat, then the swap happened and you seemed to be laying low? What is your game plan now?

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 10:21:43 pm
by Kelly
Jeff Probst wrote:It seemed like initially in the game you were dominating Asmat, then the swap happened and you seemed to be laying low? What is your game plan now?

I honestly tried to lay low on NuAsmat to draw the target onto So as I want her to be a shield for me. Now that I know I am probably on the outs it's time to try and get close with some Yali and maybe go on an immunity run (hopefully)

My gameplan is still the same as Day 1 with using 2 allies (So and Jenn) as shields while I weasel my way into the majority

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 10:33:57 pm
by Kelly Wigles
hey Kelly, what exactly is happening, why do you feel like your neck is on the chopping block?

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:25:55 pm
by Kelly
Kelly Wigles wrote:hey Kelly, what exactly is happening, why do you feel like your neck is on the chopping block?

Well when 3 people come to me saying I am on the bottom it makes me feel like I am on the bottom haha. All these people saying I'm on the bottom and blaming others may be good if I can create chaos though

Time to see what I can do and maybe go on an immunity run like I said..

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:34:53 pm
by Kelly Wigles
Who would you say is a threat to you going on an immunity run? Do you think the other players are not that strong with challenges?

What reason do you think there is for people to put you in the bottom?

Is there anyone on this tribe that you can trust?

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:39:55 pm
by Kelly
Well honestly I feel in the group challenges that myself, Reed, Jenn, and Joaquin were the strongest so they are my big competition but who knows if others will step up here at the merge

I feel I could easily be put at the bottom for being labeled the "mastermind" of Asmat. Like I kinda took a back seat to So but most people know we are close and may see me as the puppet master. My social skills (that I hope I have) may also be a big factor in people wanting to take me out

If there was one person I trust the most out here it is So as we seem to be very open and honest with one another and we can rely on eachother

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:48:02 pm
by Flicka Flame
Obviously, you have some time before the next TC, so things may change, but as of right now, what is the plan to make sure that you come out on top of your first merge TC? What's the best thing for Kelly to do at this point?

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:51:43 pm
by Kelly
Flicka Flame wrote:Obviously, you have some time before the next TC, so things may change, but as of right now, what is the plan to make sure that you come out on top of your first merge TC? What's the best thing for Kelly to do at this point?

Well there are two easy answers here: Find the HII (unlikely) or win immunity (possibility but can't count on it)

So this leaves me with 2 options. Weasel into a majority alliance or shift the target to someone else

The best thing for me in my opinion is weaseling my way into an alliance and somehow keeping both me and So safe which gives me the best options moving forward. Like you said though I have a few days to put more thoughts together and maybe make a #BIGMOVE

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 2:38:31 pm
by Jeff Probst
Please keep us up to date on the latest happenings as we try to make sense of the craziness going on!!! lol

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 2:59:58 pm
by Kelly
Jeff Probst wrote:Please keep us up to date on the latest happenings as we try to make sense of the craziness going on!!! lol

Well currently I've heard like 5 names being thrown around (myself, So, Jenn, Dan, Dale) and I feel like scrambling is still in full effect. I'm hoping I can get the numbers to blindside Dan but you never know.

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 2:13:05 am
by Jeff Probst
Kelly wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:Please keep us up to date on the latest happenings as we try to make sense of the craziness going on!!! lol

Well currently I've heard like 5 names being thrown around (myself, So, Jenn, Dan, Dale) and I feel like scrambling is still in full effect. I'm hoping I can get the numbers to blindside Dan but you never know.

Of that list, only Dale is a former Yali member. Does that concern you at all?

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 9:26:57 am
by Kelly
Yeah it is a bit concerning but I have to roll with the punches and go with the numbers. That's my best shot as of right now until I can get the numbers to take control.

Re: Episode 07

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:08:58 pm
by Kelly
So it looks like Dan, Dale, and Joaquin are aligned and I have hopefully shifted the target off of my back and on to theirs. We shall see

Still trying to do damage control from everyone targeting me last night