General Discussion
By Jeff Probst
#2915 Rules (violation of any of the following rules will result in a Ban from the game and forums):

- Revealing ANY personal information (ie: real life identity, screen names, forum nicknames, AIM names, or any other contact information or identity information) is STRICTLY prohibited and will result in an IMMEDIATE ban, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
- Contacting a member of the game outside of the tribal forums and asking: A. if they are in the game, B. anything about the game, and/or C. who they are playing as, will result in the banning of both people involved.
- Immunity can be given away at any time, even tribes can give away their immunity. However, it must be a UNANIMOUS tribal decision. Individual Immunity is always subject to be given away.
- In the event of a pre-merge tie, the immunity bearer (including tribes) will always break the tie breaker with a final vote. There will be NO REVOTE. Post-merge works differently and is intentionally vague.
- Any threats towards someone's life, or physical well-being is absolutely not tolerated and will result in an immediate banning of the parties involved. (Watch it when you are joking, if someone feels threatened by a joke, it will be considered a serious offense and your banning will be debated heavily)
- Screenshots of private messages are not allowed. Quoting / copy+pasting is fine.
- You can always prevote and change a prevote at any time before votes are due. Voting is due exactly 30 minutes into Tribal Council (unless otherwise specified). Before that point, any vote cast can be changed. Afterwards all votes are final.
-Hidden Immunity Idols will be given a 5 minute window to be played after votes are due. The idol must be played during this time, or it will not count. Idols CAN be found during Tribal Council. Idols CAN be pre-played before Council and can also be given away.
-Individual Immunity will be given a 5 minute window at the beginning of Council to be given away.

Expectations (are not punishable):

- Practice copying images off a website and pasting them into a post. Instructions: First you right click on the desired image and select properties. Then you highlight and copy the address. To paste the image into a post go ahead and post the address that you just copied into your post. Then highlight that address and select the “Img” button to add the html codes around your image’s address.
- There will be an event almost every day. Sometimes there will be back to back challenge/tribal council, others only one event will occur. All events begin at 8c/9e (with some exceptions).
- I do expect you to have respect for me as your host.
- I do not expect you to show up for every challenge. Every challenge is completely optional; however, I do expect a good amount of people to show up for each challenge. If the required amount of people does not show up for a challenge, you will most likely forfeit and give immunity to another tribe.
- I do expect you to vote at every tribal council; however, voting is a privilege, so it would be foolish not to vote. Pre-voting is allowed if your schedule does not allow you to show up for Tribal Council. Tribal Councils will usually last for one hour.
- While sexual humor is fun here and there, too much of it can be ridiculous. I expect you to use your better judgment when making sexual jokes, remember: there may be people in the game who are too young to be exposed to sexual references.
- If you have a complaint about a ruling at the challenge, make a public post at the time, so that we may deal with it accordingly. If you are respectful, your opinion will be taken more seriously. We will address every complaint; however, do not think that I will easily accept every little nitpicking detail. If a judgment call has to be made, I will make it as fair and unbiased as humanly possible, but my ruling is final.
- Another note, If you compete in a challenge or tribal event (ie: twist, decision, anything...) than please do not make the rest of the tribe sit around waiting until you return. If you do not return in time to take responsibility for what you participated in, than I will make a judgment call on whether or not we will continue without you.
- Please note that in posting your name below you are agreeing to the use of your conversations and character in this game in written episodes. We are not responsible for how you or other contestants conduct themselves. You make your own decisions in the game, we merely provide you with means of conversing.
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Jeff Probst

  • Site Admin
  • Posts: 1139
By Dale
Nadiya wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:Ties are rocks.

How does this work Jeff?

At F4 rocks wouldn't work.
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