By Paloma

Who do I talk to about getting an avatar? Any avatar. Thank you, Jeff! Nice too know Stranded is still up and running. :)
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By Jim
Caryn Groedel wrote:Someone help me find a good episode title for episode 1. I prefer a quote in confessionals. Don't make it long.

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By Jeff Probst
#1257 I went back and started Day 4, but got pulled away for work. ALSO MISTY <3333333333

Day 4


13:37 - Nadiya and Jaclyn glad they met. Feeling good about their two alliances and ready for the challenge.
14:55 - Dale finally starting to make some kind of bond in the game. Really connecting with Nadiya
15:08 - Nadiya and Drew talking. Drew is becoming a 5th in the alliance of Jac / Nadiya / Val / Reed and wants to play both sides with her.
18:23 - Missy asks her alliance (Keith, Drew, Nadiya, Jaclyn) who they should vote out if they lose.
18:35 - Nadiya throws out Rocker’s name.
18:45 - Nadiya suggest to Drew that when he joins the alliance of 5 with Val/Reed, that they should also suggest Rocker as a boot, so the two alliances don’t collide.
18:55 - Dale and Reed talking, Dale tells Reed he is confident he can trust him.
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Jeff Probst

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By Caryn Groedel
#1973 I'm going to do the first 3 episode summaries after Round 3 is over.

I'm thinking this season I'm going to update this every 3 rounds with the 3 new episode summaries.
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Caryn Groedel

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