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Episode 05 Discussion

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 11:55:03 pm
by Caryn Groedel
I don't get why these people believe that they absolutely HAVE to stick to their original tribal lines otherwise they're doomed. It makes no sense.

Should we swap them again?

Re: Episode 05 Discussion

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:53:57 am
by Jim
Good lord, no!! There are too many good storylines yet to be played out:

Will Jenn turn on her alliance? Will it help or hurt her game?
Can Yali work together enough to throw a challenge?
Will Dan somehow make it to the merge thinking he's running the game?
Will Kelly and So ever pull their heads out of their asses?

Re: Episode 05 Discussion

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:53:28 am
by Trashley Markwood
Vytas gave me a recap since I have no idea what's going on tbh.


I am 100% ready for Dan to bottom.goddess it to the merge honestly. It would be hilarious, and I feel like if he gets booted pre-merge he'll disappear and we then miss out on the opportunity to see him as a crazy angry juror <3

So and Nadiya being amazing. Jenn apparently being shady and great, Sierra dominating the whole world <3

Re: Episode 05 Discussion

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:28:42 pm
by Jim
Jaclyn, Nadia and Sierra seem to be playing the best games. They have a lot of influence, but no one seems to have any interest in targeting them. I think they're kinda boring, but they have no reason to be interesting; they're sitting in the power positions but no one seems to know it.

I think Jenn is making a huge mistake turning on her alliance. Reed and Drew will make mincemeat out of her. She would be better off sticking with tweedleSo and TweedleKelly.

Dan and Joe (I call him DJ for Dan Junior) are cute because they thinks they are such a great position, when everyone wants them out.

Re: Episode 05 Discussion

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:26:32 pm
by Marissa Peterson
See I disagree in regards to Jenn. So and Kelly are really in a bad spot come a merge. They have the Dan/Jaoq/Sierra contingent as well as Yali to deal with. Ultimately they are going to find themselves as easy cast offs for early in the merge. If she can establish relationships with Reed and Drew now she might be able to get them to want to work with her more considering old Yali never had to make tough decisions. The trust wasn't established like Jenn's move would have made.

Re: Episode 05 Discussion

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:42:07 pm
by Jeff Varner
I cannot believe how POORLY old-asmat-on-yali are playing this.

It's a 4-4 split. Your former tribemate is the tie-breaking leader on the other tribe. They CANNOT lose (unless idols). Why are they conceding to lose Max, putting themselves down a number 4-3 and set old-yali up to take out another old-asmat?

Not to mention, everyone has noticed Jaclyn is not even online. Why are they not pushing their 4-strong? I don't get it.

If/when one of Dan/Sierra/Joaquin go home either tonight or tomorrow, they deserved it for how poorly they have played this swap.

Re: Episode 05 Discussion

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:52:28 pm
by Trashley Markwood

Re: Episode 05 Discussion

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 7:16:16 am
by Jim
It's shaping up for a good end game because no one seems willing to vote out any of the players. There seem to be solid majorities in each tribe where the majority could try to dismantle the minority alliance, but instead they waste their majorities taking out non-entities like Max and Missy.

It's not very smart, but I guess we'll see some interesting moves later in the game? I'm not impressed so far, tbh.

Re: Episode 05 Discussion

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:46:29 am
by Marissa Peterson
Jim wrote:It's shaping up for a good end game because no one seems willing to vote out any of the players. There seem to be solid majorities in each tribe where the majority could try to dismantle the minority alliance, but instead they waste their majorities taking out non-entities like Max and Missy.

It's not very smart, but I guess we'll see some interesting moves later in the game? I'm not impressed so far, tbh.

I actually don't think it was terrible move for Jaq/Sierra/Dan. They were always inbetween a rock and a hard place. The issue is Max has talked game with absolutely no one until about 5 minutes before Tribal. It's very hard to say go four strong if he's not putting the work in to communicate with them. Why should we trust he's willing to go with us to the end? He seemingly pulled the Dan vote idea out of nowhere. Sometimes having non-entities in the game is a bad thing not just as a host but as a player because it's not like you can utilize their vote effectively if it's needed. Yes Asmat is down in numbers and it probably would have been better to force the tie. But there was no way Max was going to vote with them or even be relevant.

I do agree the Missy vote was a BAD idea.

Re: Episode 05 Discussion

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:15:03 am
by Jim
Marissa Peterson wrote:I actually don't think it was terrible move for Jaq/Sierra/Dan.

NO! It was a *fantastic* move for Jaq, Sierra and Dan. I don't get why the Yalis wasted a vote taking out Max. Max was never going to do anything. Jaq or Sierra (or even Dan) can organize people against you. Take out a power player when you can. That's why I think the two (bad) moves were exactly the same. Why waste a vote taking out Max when you could boot Jaq? And why boot Missy when you could take out Drew or Reed?

Marissa Peterson wrote:They were always inbetween a rock and a hard place.

I think you mean "rock and a hard stone". icon_lol