By Marissa Peterson
#6963 I'm gonna say this now. Jaclyn has officially lost the game. Getting rid of So was a DUMB move on her part. Now she looks nothing more then Nadiya's sheep. The fact So/Jac/Val would have went against the wishes of Nadiya I think would have spoke mountains to the jury that these girls are here to play for their own game. But Jaclyn looks nothing more then a puppet now. She was already in a bad position regarding her activity but she just dug herself into a deeper hole. I honestly think she is the least likely of the four to win because she lacks that killer instinct.

TBH I don't get the Dale hype. I like him as a character but strategically he's not that good to be honest. He's way to stubborn and argumentative to get anything done. None of his plans of come into fruition and for every good plan, he has an equally worse one. He didn't want to get rid of Nadiya this round if she hadn't won Immunity in favor of getting rid of So and proceeded to piss away any chance to work with her. Why would you even leave it to chance if she could win the last immunity? I just don't see how he's worried about an alliance with the girls considering Val would be the next target, since she was a target all game. icon_rolleyes
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Trashly is. icon_wub
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By Sierra
#6969 Re: the Nad immunity thing:

Those are good points. I mean my experience with Nadiya was that she was a great player holding her cards close, my experience with Val was that she was a nice girl but pretty much going with the flow. I haven't been following the game as intently the last couple of weeks but just based on confessionals I couldn't help noticing that Val has gotten herself, with 1 round left in the game, to a better position than Nadiya has.

On the other hand, if Nadiya's FULL game is that much better than the other 3, then yeah I do tend to agree that she should win anyway. I feel like if Val made it to this point being methodical throughout and could show that at FTC, maybe it could at least make people think, but I agree with the assessment you made before the game Probst that most of the time jurors have their minds 95% made up even before the Q&A. Everyone's thinks their "read" is right and not many go into the FTC with as much an open mind as I'd like to believe. And besides that, it sounds like you guys are saying she didn't do near as much until she saw "holy crap I'm in the F6-F7". If that's the case yeah I'd rather see Nad rewarded for her effort.

In the spirit of Joaq being one of the best villains of the season, I think I found my all-time favorite Joaq ego post for his all-star application. <3

@Everyone: Sorry, the game was getting too boring so I had to start shit. I've already won ORG's before so I didn't care as much about winning and just wanted to have a good time. The person who gets my vote will be the person with the best game play. @Nadiya: Congratulations. I recognized you as the biggest post-merge threat before anyone else did, and they still deny it to themselves. Sorry I had to spill your beans but it was fun, wasn't it? @Dale: You gave away this "move" last night. You'll get a nice jury speech from me ;)

I love Joaq but I just KNEW he was gonna say something like that if he lost. icon_laughing But I will ask, is there any truth to his claims that he had that easy F3 path (that he claimed in the jury house) and chose not to take it out of sheer entertainment purposes? I mean on the surface it reads more like damage control to sort of "hand wave" the loss away and act like he "could've had it" if he just wanted it more, but I'm actually curious now if that was actually the case?
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By Sierra
I agree with the assessment you made before the game Probst that most of the time jurors have their minds 95% made up even before the Q&A. Everyone's thinks their "read" is right and not many go into the FTC with as much an open mind as I'd like to believe.

To clarify I mean like preconceived notions on jury run prevalent, that you're not going to be able to TELL them that a game was there the whole time, it needs to be SHOWN.
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By Jeff Probst
#6977 No, Joaq believes that everyone targetted him because he decided to target Nadiya and he then sent all the conversations from Nadiya/Jaclyn/Dale about voting out Val to Val. Val then forwarded it to Nadiya/Jaclyn/Dale exposing that Joaquin forwarded her the messages. Confusing, I know.

But what Joaq didn't know is that they wanted him out anyway and before he even did that, the target changed to Joaquin. So much so that Jaclyn had prevoted for Joaquin and left.

Joaqs a solid player, it just makes it hard to root for the guy when he is SO FAR up his own ass, almost unwarrantedly so. lol.
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By Kelly Wigles
Sierra wrote:
I agree with the assessment you made before the game Probst that most of the time jurors have their minds 95% made up even before the Q&A. Everyone's thinks their "read" is right and not many go into the FTC with as much an open mind as I'd like to believe.

To clarify I mean like preconceived notions on jury run prevalent, that you're not going to be able to TELL them that a game was there the whole time, it needs to be SHOWN.

Yeah but on the flipside, someone could look like they've had a great, impressive run to the finale only to find out heading into the final tribal that they had no idea what the hell they were doing. (Like Sophie last season, she had the game all tied up but then let Mookie into the final 3 and basically revealed that she had no clue what was going on in the entire merge)
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By Marissa Peterson
Jaclyn wrote:But i'm not trying to be obvious its Nadiya tomorrow, I'm (1) trying to get her jury vote and (2) prevent Nadiya/Dale from voting together and voting me. I need to make sure that Nadiya feels like she has a chance to go to the finals by me/her voting Dale and Dale/Val voting for Nadiya, leading to a tie and therefore a challenge. She can easily beat Dale in a challenge. So i'm making sure she will forsure vote Dale, and Dale/Val vote for Nadiya, making me 100% safe. I'm planning to throw a vote for myself so that I never technically voted Nadiya out, most likely gaining her jury vote for me.


I have no words for this insanity.
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By Sierra
#7198 Wait... she's voting for herself??!

Ugh, that's like equivalent to Coach's vote for Courtney to pretend he wasn't basically voting out Rob. It's a straight up lose-lose. Comes off way too cowardly and transparent. I get what she's trying to accomplish but it will almost never work, especially knowing what we know about the kind of game Nadiya and the jury respects.

Nadiya is already seemingly furious at the fact that she came this far and played so well to get to this point, she's gonna hate being given the run-around when she herself views this as the most obvious vote-out in history.
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By Trashley Markwood
Sierra wrote:I think you're gonna bring back "The Count" FIC. I noticed when I was reading previous game boards before the season that you used it during a semi-recent season, where the winner Stephanie went for like 7 or 8,000 posts in a day.

Not while I'm here to fight him on it. I was the poor bitch in a shit timezone (living in england at the time) trying to keep up with her awake for 24+hours while she'd woken up 5 mins before the challenge.

We cut the count time to 4 hours after that because TRAUMA.

Now Probst just does Big Box (which I could have SLAYED in Namibia smh Probst SMH!!!) which is a different kind of fun :D
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By Joe
#7426 Go Dale!!!

Ironically, I didn't ever get on the same tribe with anyone in the final 3, lmao.
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By John Rocker
#7472 jacklin is a freakin dope

hate her and her dumb face and voting for herself

should have put my time in talking to dale or reed obv,,,,,still doesnt make sense why anybody would vote john rocker out
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By Sierra
This is where I saved Jaclyn. This can be backed up by Nadiya, who was the person I was discussing the plan with.

Dan and Joaq, you can back me up on this next part, but I believe that I was in control of all the strategy talk at that Sierra vote. That might sounds insane, but hear me out. As soon as the challenge ended, I was the first one to message all three of you and organize the Jaclyn vote with you. Jaclyn suggested we throw her name under, but she isn't aware that even before Joaq won that challenge, the night before, Sierra and Dan had both told me that in case of an emergency where we had to vote someone out, they would be willing to vote for Jaclyn and that Joaq would be cool with that. So even before the challenge, I was already organizing the next move with Sierra and Dan and a bit with Joaq as well. I was the messenger between Asmat and Yali, and I put myself in a position where most if not all, information about the next vote went through me. All three of them had sent me messages saying they would be voting for Jaclyn. So I knew, even if we lost, there was no way I was gonna go home. Jaclyn getting those 3 votes wasn't by mistake, or because she suggested her name, her name was gonna be written down by Sierra/Dan/Joaq way before she had any say in it. I did that all throughout the game, shifted the game in ways that I wanted it to go, so that I was not gonna be targeted, and also where I was able to know what everyone was thinking.

I will say to Dale's credit, at least in my case this is mostly true. The Yalis besides Dale did literally nothing to make me feel confident that Jaclyn might go and the Asmats might all stay. Dale was the ONLY one who even gave more than a half-effort in securing that, which allowed all votes from us to go to Jaclyn, and if a nightmare scenario had happened to the Yali 4 there and one of us played an idol correctly (which we didn't have because Nad I guess had found it already, and as such wasn't afraid of it), Dale's right: he WOULD have been safe. And while we were going to gun for Jac that night regardless, he helped lay down the groundwork to make me feel confident coming to him with that idea to take her out, several days in advance.

From where I stood that round, Dale was the primary reason why Jaclyn was the Yali member who would be in the line of fire that round.
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