By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I can devote several a day to the game.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
To have fun. I'm not playing in order to desperately play for the win, I'm gonna play to be myself and to be a character. That may result in an earlier boot than I would normally get but I'm savvy enough to avoid it even if I'm purposefully getting under someones skin

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Scot Pollard - Super competitive, strong personality, leadership qualities, hates weak people. Also I'm generally perceived as a bully similar to what this dude is going through on Kaoh Rong.
Joel Anderson - as above
Randy Bailey - Am able to hide my frustrations with others players for a long time...but they eventually come out. And it's brutal

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Rory - Funny motherfucker who played the race card in a hilarious fashion
Savage - Similar to my reasons for likening myself to Scot/Joel
Dan Foley - hilarious and had some pretty funny self unaware moments

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
Depends on my standing in the tribe. If I'm running the show and someone calls me out on some bullshit, I'd tell them to go get fucked. If I'm near he bottom, I play it differently to buy myself some time to survive.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
A chill dude who loves to have a laugh with the boys and a fierce competitor

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
Hopefully as above, but it depends on who I'm stuck with. I could quite easily be portrayed as a bit of a jackass or I could be seen as a decent, loyal guy. You never really know

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
People who are loyal and have a sense of humour
People that like to chill and have some fun

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
Nonstop schemers and liars.
Boring people
Paranoid people
If any of them are on my tribe, they won't be there long

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
People who play hard but loyal. Obviously there will come a time where you need to slit throats though.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
Main thing: have fun. There's no point playing if I'm going to look at it as a massive struggle where I'm not enjoying it.
I'm gonna come out, message around and look for some likeminded brothers and hopefully be the head of a strong alliance with a good bunch of guys. If I'm stuck on a shit tribe I'll have to make do with trying to find security with anyone who's not a moron until the game is swapped up.
I'll be a strong personality in this game.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I applied a few weeks back but was having computer trouble, so I'm not sure if you got my app? This one is pretty similar to the last one I sent, not quite word for word but whatever. I dunno how close you are to finalising the cast or what reps your using, but it'd be awesome if I got to rep Scot Pollard if I'm on this season. If not him then another alpha male leader females

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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I'll generally be much less active while working (typical 9-5), but will make an effort to check in several times a day.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I'm always up for new experiences and this seems like a great game to add to my list of experiences. Schmaltzy, sappy reasoning aside... I'm really hoping I can push some buttons and cause some epic fights between the other contestants. If I can cause at least one fight, I'll be content with my experience.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Corinne Kaplan - I get frustrated easily when I have to deal with stupid people and spend most of my time talking about people behind their backs while being friendly to their faces.
Kass McQuillen - Much like Kass, I enjoy wreaking havoc and causing chaos around the camp. It's fun watching people unravel and show their true colors once I find the right buttons to push.

Spencer Bledsoe - I feel I have a difficult time connecting to others and can come off as robotic or arrogant.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Cirie Fields - I idolize her for being the Survivor contestant that famously "got up off the couch". She proved that you don't have to be an athletic survivalist to do well in this game.
Sandra Diaz-Twine - I absolutely adore her one-liners and lippiness. She doesn't take crap from anyone! I also love that someone who looks like the most non-threatening Survivor player is actually the most cut-throat.

Tony Vlachos - Everytime he's on-screen, Tony is a joy. He's always running around and coming up with some crazy plan to get him to the end. I love that fighting spirit. And how can you not love someone who can talk to llamas?

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
It would really depend on the situation. However, generally when someone confronts me, I initially attempt to play dumb to make the castaway look like the bad guy. If that doesn't work, I'll probably get into a screaming match and attempt to shout down the castaway's accusation.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I'd love to be a Kass, Rodney or Jerri-type villain that's thoroughly despised and gets booed at the reunion. I'd wear my "villain" badge with pride and have fun destroying the audience's hopes and dreams by getting rid of their favorites.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
In reality, though, I'd probably either be a hot mess on day 1 or be completely inconsequential to the entire game because I was too exhausted to do anything.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I typically get along with people who are sarcastic and hate everyone else as much as I do. If they're bitchy and make fun of other people, I'll probably become the best of friends with them.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
I hate happy-go-lucky people who only think about sunshines and rainbows. Too much sugar and sweetness for my tastes. I also generally think anyone who's nice to a fault is just faking it and so I'm immediately suspicious of overtly friendly people.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
Anyone who can get to the end with a huge target on their back and without immunity to protect them is worthy of my respect. So generally, successful balls to the walls strategies are my favorite types of gameplay.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
Anybody but me. I'm going into this game not caring about anyone and it's going to stay that way. Sure, I'll make allies and become friends with people, but I'll vote them out to save my skin.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
Really, just to sum up the application: I hate people and I love playing mind games. What more could you want in a contestant?
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
All my classes are during like 4pm-8pm central time so I can chat whenever during the day. I'd be willing to put in the time it takes to win.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I put myself "in retirement" after winning my last game - the only reason to come out would be to do something worth it. The competition in my last game is strong, but based on how legit this site looks, Stranded looks like it would be a step up - being able to play with the "big boys" makes it worth it.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
1. Jonathan Penner - loud and Jewish
2. Jeremy Collins (Cambodia) - I feel like my style of play is most similar to his, just creating genuine enough relationships with people to the point where in chaos, they want to trust you and go with you in their gut
3. Jenn Brown - my free-spirited, booze driven partying

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
1. Johnny Fairplay - best combination of entertainment and gameplay in the show's history. The Grandma Lie, showing up drunk to tribal, Rupert blindside, my clear #1.
2. Richard Hatch - the person who best understands the game of Survivor, in my opinion. His interviews detailing how he believes that there is no "physical" or "strategic" gameplay, there is only social, greatly influenced my thoughts on Survivor. Taking the hand off the idol in Borneo is one of my favorite moves ever, and he was entertaining as hell in All Stars.
3. Alexis Maxwell - this comes out of nowhere it seems...she's the only contestant I know personally. We went to Northwestern together and I even watched an episode of Cagayan live with her - I've never rooted for someone more coming into a season. Great girl. Doesn't hurt that she's hot as hell.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
About what? I'm not much of a shit-stirrer so I'd doubt it'd be about that. If it's about a lie, generally in the game I don't lie so I'd tell the truth - generally I feel like a lot of people's ultimate mistake is too much unnecessary lying -I only lie when it's crucial to my imminent survival in the game. That way when I do have to tell a lie, people believe it. Mostly when I talk to people, though, I talk about stuff out of game and build social bonds to calm them down.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
As a multidimensional, complex person with a hopefully positive spin

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
Unfortunately an arrogant gamebot as I'm not overcoming some life experience

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I can get along with pretty much anyone - as a fratstar I can bro down with the "cooler" players but also have the social skills to talk to nerdier people and understand them

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
The only real time I clashed with people on my last two seasons was when someone was REALLY really insistent on making a move that was clearly not in the alliance's best interest and they couldn't see that - got into an argument about that. So, people who can't think rationally.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
I respect all styles (bold, UTR, etc) but I most respect people who realize that Survivor is a social experiment and participatein it like a social experiment.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
I never come into the game with a predetermined strategy - that's useless. I stick to my general principles - form social bonds with people, don't talk too much game early, and make sure people want to play with me. Also, just have a good time - people take this shit too seriously sometimes and forget you're playing a game to have fun. It's not like you win a million dollars online.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I'm a 21 year old finishing up school at a top university with a sweet gig lined up at a top tech company next year. I'm also an accomplished jazz musician (hence the John Swoletrane) and probably unlike most ORG participants, I am in a fraternity and bring all the confidence and drinking that comes along with it. I will probably pull a Johnny Fairplay and show up to a challenge or tribal drunk at least once.

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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?

Pretty much any time needed. I play in online-games constantly and I'm always one of the most active contestants in the cast, so there's no need to worry about that. :)

2. What is your main motivation for playing?

I don't particularly have one. I'm aware that last time I applied I said that winning was my motivation, but I've moved on since. Honestly, I'm a bit of a free-runner. I just let my hair down and do what I think is best and enjoy myself. I do love winning, however. Winning is the best, yet very difficult to accomplish.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?

Finally we can press onto something light-hearted! Time to let you guys get to know me.

1) Silas Gaither. Take this as you want, But Gaither's gameplay closely resembles my own. He's a good strategic player, fantastic physical player -- he just overdoes it a little socially. Exactly like me in multiple ORGs I've competed in. However, recently my social-game has improved by a very significant margin.

2) Rob "Boston Rob" Mariano (HvV). This only applies to the Heroes vs. Villains Boston Rob because I'm great at challenges (I lead my tribe to multiple victories) yet I'm not a hero since I'm still extremely strategic, snakey and observant.

3) Joel Klug. Joel from Borneo is less comparable to me than the above, but if I'm nitpicking then he's probably the contestant that's the 3rd most alike me. He's great at challenges, a team-player and has quite a strategic-brain.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?

1) Silas Gaither. This might come off as a surprise but I love Silas because not only is he similar to me but he's a very underrated castaway who is honestly in need of a second-shot.

2) Kenward "Boo" Bernis. YES. YES. YES. YES. Boo is one of the most amazing castaways of all time and you cannot deny that. Not only is he hilarious, but he was a good strategic, social and physical player. In my opinion, he is even more in need of a second-chance than Silas.

3) Baylor Wilson. ANOTHER underrated one-timer. Baylor is beautiful, adorable, strong and smart. I don't give a shit if anyone tells me else.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?

Ehh, depends why. Probably freak-out but try to remain calm and handle the situation civilly.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?

As a strategic yet kind player. I'd want to be pictured as chill and cool which I am, and very strong-willed.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?

Probably chillaxed, nice, intelligent, hard-working and very strategic. Plus, incredibly adventurous.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?

Eccentricity, relaxed people; I get on with females way better than guys. I'm very flirtatious. I love kind women who are also really intelligent and strategic. It turns me on to be honest.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?

Annoying-asses who say 'omfg' and 'slay' all the time. I love people who can actually use correct grammar yet have fun at the same time, like me.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?

People who use a lot of strategy but are also kind to people, kind of like me. Dicks can just suck their own dick lol.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?

Try to keep myself relaxed... Try to fly under-the-radar... Try to be 'everybodys' friend'... And probably fail at all of the above! Yay!

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.

I have an IQ in the mid-130s.
Flirtation is a strong component within my strategy. I'm protective, nice and mature and girls generally find that attractive when it comes to me.
I'm very rebellious.
I'm pretty chillaxed, as I like to say!
I'm one of the most enthusiastic motherfuckers you will ever meet.

Also, thank you for allowing me to audition and here is to being Stranded in whatever place you guys choose us to be Stranded in. Goodbye!

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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I am currently a student so the only hours that would be a problem would be till about 4 PM.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
Interest as well as seeing if my skills as an avid survivor fan would carry over into an online competition.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
No I have not

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Spencer- I feel like I would be somewhat of an arrogant gamebot much like him

Cochran- Awkward Nerd who is a massive survivor fan

Yau-Man- Although having a small and geeky look I am also quiet competant and very self aware

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Fairplay- "She died dude" also for going to a tribal completely wasted

Tony- My favorite winner due to his ability to play at 100 miles per hour burning bridges left and right but still coming through with a win

Spencer- Really enjoyed his underdog edit in Cagayan as well as his downfall in Second Chance.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
Depends on the confrontation but most likely lie and try to pin it on someone else

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I would wanna be portrayed as a snarky underdog who always fights back while working my way into the majority

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
An asshole gamebot who thinks they would be great but plays too fast and is an early boot.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:

I get along with honest and hardworking people as well as very humorous and sarcastic people

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
Loudmouths and Know it alls. I also do not tolerate bullies

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
A somewhat UTR strategist who finds there way to the end using others as a shield

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
Try to find a solid 2 allies and expanding from there. Also go as long as possible without going to Tribal so I can establish relationships with the rest of my tribe.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
As an actor I can play into a lie very effectively as well as find my way out of things with one. I also like building friendships and this could be very good for the game.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I am very committed to the game. The only problem is that I'm in Europe and the start time will be at midnight so I will have a chance to missed once a week.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
My main motivation is to prove myself that I got what it that's to survive and I wanted to see how far I can get. Furthermore, I can speak Indonesian.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
Not really.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Susie Smith because people just viewed her as a nobody and she ended up voting them off one by one.
Jaclyn Schultz because I'm not afraid to be speaking from my mind at tribal and possess a good sense of the game dynamics.
Courtney Yates because I'm small like her and unexpectedly win an immunity.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Jaclyn Schultz because she is who she is.
Natalie Anderson since people thought that she can play a good game but ended up playing one of the very best game.
Crystal Cox because she just cant do well in challenges but still bring the "eat yo' rice" drama.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
I will try to be shocked and upset but then will later use it to my advantage.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I would like to be in an under the radar presence early on and then comes out and shocked everyone.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:

A sneaky bitch.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
All kinds except those that are self righteous.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
People that seem untrustworthy and constantly trying to lie to you in your face.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
I respect a good social game because this is the best way to win the game but sometimes strategic needs to come to play.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
I will try to place strategicly because I'm afraid that my social skills will not be that good that can make an impact.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I'm from Malaysia and now I'm traveling alone in Europe to study general medicine. I'm small compared to most of the guys but I am unwillingly competitive in small and beating the guys that are bigger than me is amazing.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:\ i have literally no life i'm a complete loser i can spend my entire life online if thats what it takes

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
because im obsessed with survivor and my main goal isn't to win just to cause havoc and have fun and ruin other peoples games

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
-kass, because like i already said she has no remorse for what she does and plays personally
-randy bailey because again he plays personally and is actually entertaining unlike most players
-lindsey richter because she had no self awareness and was just overall hated by the others

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
-kass, classic villain who fucks shit up constantly
-todd, i wanna fuck him
-margaret bobonich cuz she used her powers to paralyze all the men on her tribe day 1

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
not take their shit because i'm not a passive person or an easily intimidated player, and if i'm being honest i probably wouldn't be confronted directly because people normally don't wanna have to deal with me in games

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:

i'd want a perfect MORN3 edit because that's exactly who i am even though in the online games in the edgics i'm almost always ottn

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
well considering i'd probably be voted out the first tribal i go to i'd get a CPN4 edit since they'd just wanna get me over with in the editing

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
people who actually have personalities unlike 99% of the online community who acts the exact same

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
people like i described above where they're clique-y and clingy and try to act like they're intimidating or powerful

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:

cutthroat, people who go for blood at every opportunity

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
no strategy, it's cliche but there's no point in having a pregame strategy

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
i'm extremely mentally unstable and spent a week in a psych ward so if you want someone who is literally batshit fucking crazy and has no remorse for their actions hello pick me
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
It varies, but I wouldn't sign up if I couldn't give a good effort. To me that's a waste and those types of players infuriate me. "I just wanna be in as many games as I can" type BS. I'd rather play hard for a few games than just sign up left and right and lay down crap performances. Waste of everyone's time that way. Suffice to say I'll make time for the game. I can occasionally have spur-of-the-moment things come up that could throw a wrinkle in things, but I can make it work. I'll be good in terms of activity level.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
Winning is the sole reason I've ever had to play an ORG. Whether I'm trying to do something very important, or doing something stupid like a game of tic-tac-toe, it's all the same to me. Any outcome where I don't win or get the best result possible sickens and repulses me. No one is more competitive or a bigger sore loser than I am. I really don't have any other reason to play. Sure, I enjoy the games, and yeah it's cool to simulate playing Survivor (or Big Brother) since I've been a diehard fan of the show since the outset. But yeah... anything that doesn't result in a win will be annoying af.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Hard to say. Overall real-life personality wise? Probably someone like Chris Daugherty actually. He's one of my favorites because his reactions to situations are reminiscent of my own. But in terms of gaming:
Brian Heidik - he's robotic and doesn't care about anyone else. I'm the same way, but I've probably gone a little soft there because you know "there's another person on the other side of the computer" and all that. I'll backstab anyone and everyone if I think it's the right move, but won't attack them personally in the process. Derives almost all of his entertainment value from his confessionals since he hides his true self from the other players.

Yul Kwon - calm, cool and collected and listens more than talks, etc.

Sandra - I didn't realize how similar I am to Sandra as a player until I actually started typing here, but "as long as it ain't me" suits me perfectly. That might as well be my motto.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Brian H because his authentic asshole ways were refreshing to watch. Rupert because he was a childhood favorite no matter what I think of him now! Tbh I can't think of a third one. Maybe Courtney Y since she was so funny.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
"How do I respond to this in order to maximize my chances of winning the game?"
That's pretty much it. I mean, I won't get mad unless I think it suits me, I won't argue with the person unless I think it suits me. Some people play ORG's to stir things up, some want to try out "shticks", lot of people have gotten in my (virtual) face in the past in games. It just comes with the territory and you gotta be prepared for it I guess. I'm not gonna say I thrive on confrontation, but I certainly don't mind it. It tells you people care about the game.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I'd want the subtle mastermind edit who is semi-entertaining. I'd want to be the sorta well-liked villain who doesn't try to hide the fact that he's playing the game hard. Maybe a nicer, funnier Spencer Bledsoe. Then again that's a lot easier said than done with a million bucks on the line, LOL.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
Highly under the radar, scraping by till merge, decent but not great in challenges, agreeable but not necessarily likable, then slowly turning it on after the merge. Whether I'd be successful or not, I couldn't begin to speculate. I think I could legit win Survivor given the right mix of people, but I wouldn't be the first person to be wrong about that.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I could get along with anyone, as long as they aren't loud as hell and don't know when to STFU. My friends are a good mix of personality types, on paper I'd say I'm a pretty "average" dude. Semi-athletic but not really, semi-smart but not really, but being balanced sort of helps me click on some level with most people I run into IRL.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:

^ Loud as hell and don't know when to STFU.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
Uh... probably strategic, well-balanced, positioning oneself intelligently and as well as possible. Game control matters but is not the end-all, be-all. Social prowess, same thing. I'm not a great social player because I've never considered it to be all that fun creating PM-based relationships with avatars. I get by, but I'm pretty much your standard under-the-radar player who does the bare minimum socially to avoid becoming too big of a target. If I had to sum up briefly the kind of game I respect most, it's the person who best minimized the amount of luck they needed to make it to the F2/F3. But obviously the context matters a lot more than me just generalizing one specific play style here.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
Hard to say until I'm out there, but to start off the game I will almost certainly NOT attempt to be over the top. Those rounds are crucial. I'd rather play from the middle of the pack, and then move up as the rounds unfold, then to start at the top and then have to stave off attacks from underlings all game. I'd rather be the guy they come to when they try to overthrow the "power". But I have no absolutes; you never want to be too formulaic in these games because every cast is different. I read Melanie's post about your series specifically on ORGY where she said it's unlike most series, and that players from different sites like Reddit have approaches to the game that may clash with what I know from the guys on GTS and ORGY. So I'll definitely use the beginning of the game as my feel-out period to see what I'm dealing with, and then re-evaluate from there.

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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
Early Saturday mornings, and Wednesday nights. I also can't do Mon-Fri between 8-5 until June

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I want to try ORGs

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
No, but I'm a Reality TV Superfan.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Spencer B, Todd, Colton
I am quite the opposite of a Spencer Fan Boy, but I embody the superfan, especially the gay superfans because I have more spunk and character than a gamebot.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Vytas, Abi-Maria, Tony

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
I would freak out on the inside but stay calm cool and collected on the outside.
If you mean like confronted by a fellow castaway in the game because of like a lie, like Peter and Joe last week, I would deny deny deny.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
With a winner's edit. I'd hope to be portrayed like Tony, a strategic player who is also a very entertaining character.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
Like Spencer Bledsoe or Todd

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I gel with everyone, but I struggle with flirts. It's hard to read them.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:

Hot headed people, and dumb jocks.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
The Kim's and the Tom Westman's are the best players, but they make for boring television.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
I'm not afraid to lie, but I want to be as honest as possible pre-jury. That builds the trust I need to be able to convince people later in the game that I'm truthful. I want to help win challenges, form a social bond with everyone, and avoid TC. But post-merge, the game is on. I'll throw most challenges, and take out the x factor in every vote. For instance, if I were Spencer when Sarah Lacina was voted out, instead of pitching to Kass to flip back over, I'd go to Tony and Trish and say listen, we have to get out Kass because she could flip again. I want to be the person with the power.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:

I like cheese.
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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I think I will be able to make it.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I love Survivor and I want to try this out.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
I think I am a little like Fishback in the sense that I am nerdy, and probably would not be the best at challenges. I am a little like Russell because I would not be afraid to backstab and lie to people. And I am a little like Tyler, because I could blend into the background if need be, which might make me seem sneaky.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
I absolutely love Keith because he is comedic gold and he wasn't far off from winning SJDS which is ludicrous but amazing.
I love Tyson in his first two seasons because he was also very funny and had a decent understanding of the game.

I love Ozzy because he is so interesting to watch in the elements and challenges.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:

I'd try to stay calm and get as much information out of them about the situation as possible. I would then try and collect info from others as well and make a thought out logical plan of action.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I would like to come off as a fan favorite underdog type.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
I think I would be portrayed as sneaky and untrustworthy.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I can get along with most personality types. I think my best would be introverts though.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
I clash with super over the top extroverts. The loud and obnoxious types.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
I respect strategic game play. I think Sandra is one of the best players ever but I don't necessarily find her game play to be that interesting.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
I have no strategy going in. I just want to meet the rest of the castaways and see if I can get myself into a majority alliance for the first few votes, after which I will start planning a secret smaller alliance that I could go to the end with. I don't want to flip on anyone unless I absolutely have to.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I love Survivor and I think playing a game involving manipulation would be in my ballpark because I play a lot of Town of Salem and I consider myself fairly good at the social part of that game. I am a homebody and don't typically enjoy going out to bars or partying, but I have done my fair share of that as well. I am intrigued by psychology and love figuring out how different people think and react to different situations. I am an electrical engineering technologist. I feel like I would be good at separating emotion from logic in the game of Survivor because I have no emotional attachment to any of these people. In real life however, I often find it difficult to not get emotional with people that are close to me.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
How ever much time is necessary. I run on mountain standard time.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
Never played an online org like this before. Superman of survivor and BB and want to test the waters

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
No sir

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Spencer because I can completely isolate my goals and how to accomplish them without emotional interference.
Tyson because I tend to always find humour in a situation, even at the expense of others

Brian because I'm willing to do anything and everything to win. Plus I'm a lil shady sometimes ;)

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Love Earl, he dominated socially and was a clear cut winner.
Kim absolutely destroyed everyone and nobody had a chance to beat her.

I could say a bunch of other people, but I'll throw out Phillip just because nobody else entertained me as much as the specialist, no matter how awful he was at all aspects of the game.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
Depending on the castaway. Someone that won, I'd ask how they feel they won and if that would translate Into a win for others. Someone entertaining, what aspects of their personality won others over. And if it was a shitty player I'd just take a picture so that they could say they met me in the future after I won survivor

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
Everyone wants to be
A.master manipulator favourite
C.comp beast
I would want to be seen as the social threat that if need be, could turn on any of those three traits, but had such a good social and strategic game that I could win without trying extremely hard.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
Either as a game bot with more emotions than a spencer or liz, or a morbidly hilarious strategist that might actually win, or flame out in s blaze of glory.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I can find one thing in anyone to relate to if need be. Some of my best friends are so set in stone in beliefs that they never listen to me. I could completely hate someone and keep me cool no problem. I like people that know what they believe, but are willing to hear others opinion to strengthen their own values.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
I can get along with anyone, even bullies and idiots. The only people I would have difficulty getting along with are people that need attention and sympathy and lie and cheat and steal to get it.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
Social game is the hardest by far. Someone that can strategically fly under the radar, yet still be seen as a huge threat socially and not be voted out is the strongest castaway IMO.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
Be super friendly, connect with a bunch of people personally, have a blast, and be a cut throat mother f***er. That way people may be mad, but will have an easier time thinking its nothing personal, just game. I'm willing to totally change that strategy if the situation is different than I envision though. It's like going to a new school. You can try and be the cool jock party guy, but you might need to be the sweetheart nice guy to win everyone over. Nobody knows until the game has begun

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I'm a young entrepreneur with big dreams and an even bigger personality. I've done things like manage an indoor trampoline park, to competing nationally for soccer, and even writing and recording (well just about finished) a mixtape of hip hop music. I'm a video game fiend, and a reader of people. Everyone in my life considers me a guru for their problems, simply because I am able to see solutions to things other people could never even think of. Not to mention my impeccable fashion sense and success. Guess I'm just tootin my own horn now lol so I should stop.
Oh yeah I was that kid that saved and bought his own Mercedes at age 16 in high school, and turned social gatherings into buck wild parties. Okay now I'm done haha.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:

I will devote my time to this game. My problem day is Monday, but other than that I am online at the available time.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
My main motivation for playing is to see how I'd do in Survivor, minus the environmental aspects. I want to see how manipulative and adaptive I am to situations that are difficult to get out of. I want to experience a social game where every aspect of your personality has an affect on the other participants and how well I can control my bad traits and enhance my good traits. Stranded is a perfect opportunity to do this.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:

1. Lindsey from World's Apart. I believe she is very outspoken and is willing to say whatever she wants without thinking about it. That's a big flaw for me because if i something bothers me or annoys me, I will straight up say it to the person. This bad trait of mine will be greatly tested in Stranded.

2. Tai from current season. He is a very hardworking guy and I am a hard worker aswell. I believe in the motto "hard work pays off" and it applies to Stranded. Being lazy in challenges or not giving your all is a big pet peeve of mine. I can't stand "cocktail riders" because they did not to deserve a spot in the finals except use a hard worker as a shield the whole game. Hard work and dedication is a must.

3. Drew Christy from San Juan del Sur. He will do anything to get his way and I am like that also. He really wanted Kelley out and he threw the challenge just so his tribe can go to tribal and vote her out. I am willing to risk an immunity challenge if someone on my tribe is problematic to my chances of winning. While this somewhat goes against my traits from Tai in that we should win challenges opposed to purposely losing, but I am not risking my game to someone on my very own tribe who's plotting out my demise. I will do what it takes to get rid of problems as soon as possible.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
1. Morgan from Brains vs. Brawns. vs Beauty because she is very bitchy and catty and that makes for good ol' reality TV drama.

2. Denise from Philippines. She went to every single tribal council and survived each one. Not to mention her rough start in Matsing. If you need a good example of "started from the bottom, now we here", it's Denise.

3. NaOnka from Nicaragua. Back to good reality TV drama

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
To argue back! Just kidding. I will take the confrontation like a champ and use it as a way to get sympathy from other tribe mates. Say that he's a ticking time bomb waiting to happen, he's a pain in the ass, would you rather have him gone or me? I will make sure to also throw in the phrase "he/she bullied me", even if it wasn't the case. No one likes an accused bully.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I would like to be portrayed as the over the top player that makes absolutely no sense at first, but post-game I make perfect sense.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
A lunatic who has really needs an extra cup of rice or two to get back to sanity.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
I like people who are more extroverted. They are more easier to talk to and relate to, and they are more easier to find negative traits to use against them in a case of me vs them.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
Introverts. Being more towards the introvert myself, it's gonna be hard to talk to someone who is shy, awkward, and unapproachable. They are also harder to read than extroverts. They keep to themselves and usually are the ones who perform perfectly executed blindsides.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
Hard workers for sure. Underdogs for sure. Basically any gameplay where you at least tried to win, instead of just coasting by and/or fighting merge/jury/finals only.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
My strategy is to read everyone on my tribe and see the good/bad traits. I will then decide which tribe mates are easier to target based off of how they portray themselves. I will then bond with people who i get along with and use them to get rid of people who I believe will cost me the game. I will throw an immunity challenge or two just to send someone home who really stands in my way of winning
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I work 7AM-4PM CST but I'm self-employed so I do often have pockets of free time in the middle of the day when I'm near a computer. I can be flexible for anything 6PM-1AM CST, and am prepared to spend 2-8 hours a night devoted to the game.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I'm the most competitive fucker ever,,,Survivor has been a recent fascination of mine. I have brutally comes to terms that it'll probably never work out for me to actually play Survivor the CBS television show, but the game is great. This seems "professional" enough as far as something extremely organized and well-done goes and maybe I'm just a weird enough guy to dive in head first.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
No, never.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
I'm struggling with this one so bear with me. Aras- I guess. I'm confident that I'm a very level-headed and thoughtful person, and my energy functions on dispelling turmoil.

Max Dawson/Neal "that guy" - I do just fine in real life and have a bevy of "strange/hidden talents" all whilst maintaining sort of a happy go lucky dandy white guy image

Cesternino (?) - I'm about the age he was in Amazon.,,,I can see myself relating to his experiences...I like him a lot on RHAP he appears very genuine

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
1.) Tom Westman - " A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. A person does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the quality of one's actions and the integrity of one's intent. In the end, leaders are much like eagles...they don't flock, you find them one at a time."
-some jerkoff wrote this on a motivational poster

2.) J.T Thomas - He's such a goddamn sweetheart. He radiates charm.

3.) Tony V. - Some of the hardest times I have ever laughed happened while I was watching Cagayan. Humor is the quality I treasure above all else and he was a hysterical motherfucker and did his thing.

SPECIAL SHOUTOUTS: JENN BROWN, Hali, Morgan, Alexis, Jefra, definitely Jefra, Angie, Parvati, Danni, Brooke, Kat, NAT TEN, Jenn Brown again, Steph LaGrossa, Michele from this season (I have a thing for the jersey girl get it), Julia, Anna, LIZ, Sugar, Natale White, Big Tom, Heidi, Jenna M., MALCOLM

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
Stay calm and let information come to me. Always be cool.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
Honestly the "funny one" who maybe has a better grasp on things than people realize. Obviously I think I can also thrive in a leadership role, but it's not necessarily the direction I would want to take myself.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
A quiet "soldier" ?
The beloved "hero"

The master strategist ?

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
More carefree and clever
anything or anyone competitive


10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
A more uptight "easily offended" opinionated dweeb

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
I respect a game that is played to the greatest strengths of that individual

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
Infiltrate an existing culture of "online survivor games" make it my new personal playground of time well spent and victory. I am a vulture. A glorious, bloodthirsty vulture.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
It's purely me being "silly" while I browse Survivor information on the internet. I don't really intend to "be a character" or anything. Just shooting at something that I think would be fun.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
It's a little up in the air how much time I can put into it. I'm currently in college, so times when I have class (10-11 and 1-2 on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays and 12:30-5 on Tuesdays and Thursdays) are something I can't really get around. Other things like homework, club sports, and different other things that I do around campus is going to cut into my time, but I still feel as though I have enough free time during the day to fit this in as long as this isn't something that is going to need my attention at all times.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I started lurking on Sucks when I was in eighth grade, and I've always thought that doing an ORG would be awesome (specifically after reading Mario Lanza's summaries of Survivor: Tonga). I was always a little intimidated to apply for one, but getting the invite on Reddit really opened my eyes up to this as a real possibility. I think about playing Survivor and what I would do out on the island all the time so the opportunity to test my skills here would just really be a ton of fun.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
I never played an online game like this before.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Fabio- I have a pretty goofy personality and I don't have a problem with people thinking of me as a fool.

Tocantins Tyson- I'm very sarcastic and I can have a very dry sense of humor that not everyone will enjoy. I also have that same ability Tyson had to make fun of somebody right to their face but do it in a way that doesn't get them mad at you.

Lex- Lex is probably the most intense and competitive players in the history of the show, and when I get really invested in something, I can be *very* competitive. I've played sports all my life, and I've learned that I do not take loosing especially well.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Richard Hatch- this one almost feels like cheating. I just love the idea of the fat, cocky, naked, gay guy showing up to this brand new social experiment called Survivor and absolutely dominating it. He set the precedent very early on that *anyone* can win this game. Couple that with his time in All Stars, where he very clearly gave zero fucks about anything and was just there to be awesome and have a good time, and you have by far one of the most entertaining and awesome contestants ever.
Brian- I'm a sucker for his confessionals. He just had such a strange sense of humor and almost a borderline sociopathic way of speaking about the other contestants and I just found all of that to be fascinating.

Judd Sergeant- I, like Judd, am from New Jersey, and I love Judd for just how New Jersey he is. I had friends growing up that had fathers just like Judd. My uncle is a lot like Judd. Just big loud guys who don't give a shit about what you think and that pretty much say the first thought that pops into their brain at anytime for any reason. People like Judd crack me up, and I miss them when I'm away at school. You may think that New Jersey is full of Guidos, but you'd be wrong. New Jersey is full of Judds.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
I mean, it obviously depends on the context of the situation, but in most cases I would try to defuse the situation while trying to show them my perspective. There are so many twists and turns on Survivor, so it is a really bad idea to make any sworn enemies over one huge fight. You never know when you're going to get hit with a twist and need someone's vote in the future. That being said, if I'm not going to need somebody, and for whatever reason someone has a problem with me, I don't have much of a problem putting someone in their place.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I'd like to be portrayed as someone who is having fun. When you look at players like Richard, Rob C, Fairplay, Chris, Cirie, and even Russell, not only were they people that were shown as actively controlling the game, put they were also people that looked like they were having a ton of fun in doing so. I'd love to be portrayed as someone who not only was playing well, but was also having a great time doing it. I really don't care if I'm shown as a hero or a villain, I just don't want to be shown as someone that is shivering and miserable sitting in the shelter.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
It depends on where I placed. If I go early, I'd probably get the overconfident asshole edit. If I went sometime in the middle of the game, I think that I'd probably get a somewhat negative edit, because I really wouldn't be afraid to rip into my fellow tribe members in confessionals. If I did end up winning the game, I really do think I'd get the edit that I was talking about above, being a guy that is controlling the game and doing it with glee.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
As strange as it may sound, really "out there" people with big personalities almost always really like me. It might just be because I've been around so many people like that my entire life, but it just always seems like they always find me really funny and I know how to stroke their ego perfectly.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
People who aren't willing to laugh at themselves. One thing that is true with me is the more I like you as a person, the more I am going to make fun of you. If I'm very clearly making a playful joke at your expense and you take it seriously and get upset, then I'm probably just going to stop talking to you all together.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
Any style that wins. If you win, you have my respect.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
In the pre merge, have a relationship with everybody in my tribe. It doesn't have to be an alliance, but I want everyone on my tribe to feel like they know me and they know what I'm about. I want people to think of me as a friend. If I can do that well enough, alliances will fall right into my lap and I can the decide which way I want to go.

In the post merge, my strategy will be to make a list in my head of who the biggest threats outside of myself are to win the game, and take them out one by one. I don't care if they are my main alliance partner, I don't care if I have to flip, I don't care about anything. If you have a chance at beating my at FTC, then I will try to find a way to take you out and figure out the consequences of that later.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:

I think a lot of people are going to underestimate me. When I say I'm some college kid that has never played a game like this before, I really hope people will see that and think that I'm in no way a threat. Because in reality, I'm probably going to be one of, if not the smartest person playing, not just in Survivor knowledge, but in actual intelligence. I have a background in game theory and advanced statistics, and after college I plan on being an actuary for a large insurance company. Just recently I passed the Society of Actuaries Probability exam at the age of just 19, something that is very rarely accomplished. In order to make more money as an actuary, you have to pass the Society of Actuaries exams. Most students leave college with one, maybe two exams passed if they are lucky. Right now I'm on track to have as many as 4. I really don't like to toot my own horn about stuff like this, but to quote the great Alecia Holden, "I'm a mental giant".
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?
I'll probably be around from like the 3pm to 1 or 2 am zone on weekdays and on weekends all day and probably til at most 3.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?
I've heard that this is super amazing and a whole bunch of people have played so I've decided to give it a shot.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?
RC, Aras, Cochran

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?
RC, Aras, and Cirie. RC because she's just like me, Aras because he's very cool and smart, and Cirie because she's just so LOVABLE <3

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?
Depends on what they said, but it'd be very much filled with emotion.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?
A very smart yet kind strategic anti-hero.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?
A rude, egotistical cockroach.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?
Kind, friendly, naive people.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?
People who think they're better than me and have the right to act like it.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?
Strategic but not to the point of evil mastermind, and also still kind.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?
I'm going to do something that I've planned for a long time - maintain a good alliance through the normal tribal phase, and once merge hits, backstab all my alliancemates but pretend it was other people so that in the finale I'll win because they'll all be in the jury thinking it was the other guy.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.
I'm very smart, like much more intelligent than most people my age, and a bit younger than most here. That's all.

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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?

The latest i work is until 8pm EST, but I do have a life so once in a while I may not be able to compete in a challenge. I will however actively check messages and stuff on my phone when I can.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?

I wan't to win... I came so close in big brother.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?

once, big brother.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?

Rupert because he's kind and caring and loves the game. Russell (not because he's evil) but because he's good at challenges and such.. and WOO. because he's just super nice and can talk to anyone socially.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?

The same as above :P For obvious reasons.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?

Not get personal. and not attack them.Perhaps just ask them to stop.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?

As the kind hearted girl who everyone likes :P

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?

the cry baby :P LOL

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?

Kind, caring, and peaceful.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?

People who are rude for absolutely no reason.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?

Honest games are the best because it is really hard to be honest with everyone in games like these.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?

Keep quiet for as long as possible... and not show how good at comps I am.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.

I actually love survivor and I never knew this ORG existed.. and I know that I was good but emotional in the last (my first) big brother ORG... but now I think I can give it another change because I know not to get personal.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
I've been out of school for the last 2 years. Right now taking care of my 86 year old grandmother is the only thing that makes my day interesting. Truth is, I even think she is still the one who takes care of me. :P.
But yeah, time is something I have abundance of right now. I would really love to play Stranded and have my very own Survivor experience.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:
I got first introduced to Survivor by my stepdad, who would beat the crap out of me just for fun. One day, he was watching a Survivor on TV. I was typically repelled by his presence, but the thought of being stuck on an island or to be isolated with people for days have always played on my mind. I just stood in a corner watching Survivor:Africa. Then he pulled me beside him and just started walking me through the whole thing. I was 8 back then, didn't get most of the idea of the game. But I was hooked. If I close my eyes I could still see Big Tom and Lex and Ethan. I hated my stepdad, but that memory with him will always stand out in my life. And somehow, for all the bruises and angst he gave me, I owe him big time for that one moment. So I wanna do this for him and for myself.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Boston Rob (RI one) - Simply because in real life, most of my friends basically just run to me with almost everything. Like "hey man, how do you think.." or "why is the sky blue?" thinking that I have the answer to everything. I don't know when this started, but I am stuck with it. Sometimes I find annoying, sometimes I find advantageous for me.
Brian Heidik - Growing up, my biological parents were really never there for me. Dad left when I was one, Mom never really cared when I grew up. I just had my grandpa and grandma. Grandfather died back at '02, and I only have my grandmother left with me right now. So with all that, I must say, I pretty much am dettached emotionally to people. I even worry that by the time my grandmother passes away, I might not even cry. It scares me. And I love the thought of using this to my advantage in playing Survivor.

Danni Boatwright- Simply because I have the ability to don't get dragged by the moment. I tend to take a step back and try to see the bigger picture, or even the tiniest cracks. I put on a pretty good poker face, and man, I love taking advantage of any opportunities that offers itself in front of me.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Johnny Fairplay - I mean come on, I was around 10 years old when PI aired and the grandmother lie stuck with me.
Yul Kwon - Simply because I was just swept off out how smart he played the game. And he found the prototype Hidden Immunity Idol, which back then was pretty impossible to find.

Brian Heidik - Love the way how he just... treated people as cars to sell.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
Then proceeds to think of hundred other ways on how to burn them when the opportunity arises.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
I'd like to be that under the radar villain who'd end up being the main reason of the number of restless ghosts residing in Ponderosa. Ghosts who still can't figure out what happened and tries to find peace by pinning the blame to everybody else but me. Then I proceed to win the whole thing <3.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
I think I'd end up as an under the radar pawn during the premerge and I'll start climbing the ranks during the merge. I've always been achievement driven kind of a personality, so I'd definitely put an alliance member to sleep if it meant buckling myself in in a better position within the alliance. I am pretty sure that I will make it the merge every time I get to play, and i think I have the social game to win it all.
Cause I'm your best friend :3.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
Believe it or not, I've gelled with almost every kind of personality out there. Growing up, I spent most hours outside of the house in a day. I've hung out with drug junkies, drunkards, nerds, the jocks, music geeks and all. I can fit in with everybody. But I prefer having that Alpha that has a shadow huge enough to hide me.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
I honestly don't know, but I guess the clingy and needy ones irritate me. But not to the point where I go Rice Wars on them.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
I really respect players who play the game to win and not to "reach X day", or the merge. Play the game sounds very broad, but I like those who go in with a bang. Who doesn't hesitate to take control, and let other people know that "Hey, I'm winning this, and you're here to help me do that.". I know these kinds of players don't usually translate well in the game of Survivor, but it takes a lot of gut do that. Hmm if I'm not mistaken, Tom Westman is one of the few who won?

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
Pre-merge, I'll try to play UTR neutral. I want the to have the power to decide which alliance I'd swing in. I don't really take up a lot of people's attention while being a contributor, so I don't really see myself getting kicked out pre-merge. I'll put on a friendly face, but behind that one, clearly is a guy who keeps on plotting and always on the move to take somebody out without getting too much heat from other people. Wear the "hey im approachable, come talk to me" body language. Finding the alpha male and be his wingman is a possibility.
Merge til the end of the game, I'd simply kick it a notch in terms of the mental and social aspects of the game. Assuming the numbers are in our favor, start taking down the physical threats within the alliance except the largest one. People need something shiny to look at, and I don't want it to be me. At least not yet. Also, never make promises to anyone. Nod, but never promises. During tribal councils, pull a Kelly Wentworth and try to lure in the Jury and make them root for you. Winning individual immunities ain't really a must. Winning rewards is a huge black no-no.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I can't swim.
Oh, possibly the first Filipino ever! :P


put me in, chances are, I will win.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?:
No go 9-5 est weekdays, but I'm very reachable. I walk dogs so.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?:

I live for the elimination game. I have a numbers thing. Counting down from 16-20 is particularly fun!

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?:
Town of Salem and the mafia thing. You know, the basics. Otherwise, I haven't participated in something of this scale, no.

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?:
Cirie Fields- because I'm lying to myself right not saying that I'm like Cirie, and she's good at that. A smile, a wink, and a 3-2-1.

Richard Hatch- because I'm from Rhode Island, and geography affects personality.

And for recency bias, Tai Trang- because I'm endearing af.

Bonus: I'm nobody from Cook Islands... That season was terrible, amiright?!

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?:
Cirie- because I'm exactly like her and I like only things that are familiar.
Denise Stapely- because she got the opposite of a Boston Rob edit.

Abi-Maria- She's the beacon of patience and humility that Survivor never knew it needed.

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?:
Hug. Like the really awkwardly long Worlds Apart kind.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?:
Am I allowed to say r.obbed g.oddess? That's what I'm going for, in life in general, I mean.

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?:
First boot, wouldn't really matter, then.
Just kidding... Some kind of dichotomous Abi-Maria/Yau-Man situation. I'd be stretching the limits of the editors' abilities, I'm sure.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?:
Whatever the opposite of an alpha-male is... um, oh yeah, Stephen Fishbach.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?:
Andrew Savage.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?:
The one wherein a person gets the most votes after the Final Tribal Council.

12. What is your strategy going into the game?:
I will ingratiate myself by being super adorable, but not in an annoying way and also I'll tell people that they look nice in that outfit.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.:
I know karate so I'm also kinda like Woo and he got voted back on to get a second chance, so that must mean something.
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Jeff Probst

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  • Posts: 1139