By Trashley Markwood

Welcome to 4th placed robbage club you god damned Angel Goddess on high. Now everyone can now how much you were my fav and idcurr.

You were the chosen one to win and to see you fall at the last hurdle sucks so much icon_cry You have a great attitude though, and I hope you have fun here on the jury icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub
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Trashley Markwood

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By Nadiya
#7339 Uhg so close!!!! icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub Love you and thanks for the support :)

F3 all may day 1 allies! Kind of annoying actually since they didn't even know I was allied with all of them icon_lol
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By Nadiya
Trashley Markwood wrote:Now they're all out fighting lol <3

I had to cause some drama before I left, the end of this game has gotten so boring!
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By Drew
#7372 Really disappointing you're here Nad. If you won that last challenge, chances are you would have won.
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By Nadiya
Drew wrote:Really disappointing you're here Nad. If you won that last challenge, chances are you would have won.

I know :( I was so close!
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By Flicka Flame
#7387 I thought you were going to be a very boring player and you were pretty under the radar for the first half of the game, but damn, you proved me wrong, Nad. So bummed you didn't make it to the end. You rocked!
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Flicka Flame

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By Drew
#7388 At least you get to be a part of the most bad ass ponderosa crew to ever grace this earth.
Do you have any info of the happenings from final 5/4 to fill us in on? Or was it pretty dull?
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