By Reed
Dan wrote:icon_lol

Boomers 4 lyf.

I don't even have an idea what or where Boomers are from.
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By Dan
Reed wrote:
Dan wrote:icon_lol

Boomers 4 lyf.

I don't even have an idea what or where Boomers are from.

You dickhead. Bogut and the boys. Aussie for life mofos!
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By Reed
Dan wrote:
Reed wrote:
Dan wrote:icon_lol

Boomers 4 lyf.

I don't even have an idea what or where Boomers are from.

You dickhead. Bogut and the boys. Aussie for life mofos!

Oh, no wonder I know no shit about them HAHA.
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By Jenn
Dan wrote:I'm on the jury because I'm one of the only good things about this season. The lad who came here, did what he wanted, didn't give a fuck if he got voted out and livened up every.fuckin.tribal. I'll vote for whoever played the best game...and right now that's Joaquin. That's not bitterness, that's just the truth. You, on the other hand, just make shit up to bag the guy out. I believe it's called 'jury poisoning'. You're clearly bitter.

Implying you're not just voting for your own alliance out of bitterness icon_lol Here's the facts: Joaq hasn't been able to control anyone's vote. That's not playing the best game. Tell me how he's actually playing the best game?
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By Dan
#6127 You're saying some fucked up shit. So you say he's got no control yet he's still fuckin there at final 6 even though he's spent quite a bit of the game in the minority. Sit down dumbshit, I played with him from day 1. You're just a bitter cunt who expected him to leave after me yet got voted out by him.
Your opinion is nothing because you're an irrelevant muppet who made the dumbest move of the game a few rounds ago. You're obviously voting for a female rep no matter what so just STFU and let those of us with an open mind discuss the game from now on. Your hate for Dale and Joaq is embarrassing
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By Jenn
#6149 Oh Danny boy, still trying and failing to play the troll game, even in Ponderosa. icon_rolleyes Don't worry, pumpkin, someday you'll actually be good at it. icon_console
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By Drew
#6227 Like I said Reed, Mom and Dad are going to keep fighting all over Ponderosa.
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By Reed
Drew wrote:Like I said Reed, Mom and Dad are going to keep fighting all over Ponderosa.

easy with the Mom thoo..... @Jenn :p
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By Dan
Jenn wrote:Oh Danny boy, still trying and failing to play the troll game, even in Ponderosa. icon_rolleyes Don't worry, pumpkin, someday you'll actually be good at it. icon_console

Nah you just can't handle logic but you're an idiot who fucked your own game in the ass trying to get me out. And you were nothing but a +1 for 2 dudes who didn't even like you. Hope you had fun this season, cutey
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By Jenn
#6512 Tons of fun, sunshine <3 But it seems like you're a little mad that I bested you icon_wink
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By Dan
#6515 Yeah I was trying really hard to win and you took that way from me lmao
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