By Drew
#1387 This is how it's going down. We have a challenge tonight, my tribe has taken a bunch of immunity idol clues, so we're fucked. They are probably going to throw it anyways. Either Missy or myself will be going home. I've been told by Jenn that they are splitting some votes onto me in case Missy plays the idol. I have a sneaking suspicion that is rubbish, and that I might be getting the majority of the votes. They keep saying it is extremely important I vote for Missy. I feel like that could be because then Missy still wants Reed out after i'm gone. This is my potential plan

1. Convince others Missy will start a revolution to get original Asmat to go against each other.
2.They need Numbers. Missy can only provide 1. Reed and I can provide 3 or 4 to be directly loyal to .
3.Look for idol. I won't find it without another clue but doesn't hurt to try.
4.I will either tell people a little while before tribal that I have the idol, or drop the bomb right during tribal.
5. Unless someone else has it, i might be able to swing a vote or two on Missy, and get her out
6. Damage control. IDGAF what I have to do after. Better to be here and have to damage control than not be here.

Don't think I'm going to lay down and die. If it comes time and I know that there is a good possibility I'm gone, I'm pulling out all of the stops. I will blow up the game if it means staying here.
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By Drew
#1542 Just a side note. Reed and i talked it through and decided to take the risk of trusting them. Our games are in a much better position not blowing things up. I did create suspicion with Kelly though. Just enough to use if I need it.
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By Drew
Trashley Markwood wrote:Tell me more about this suspicion

I'm pretty positive my tribe isn't fully competent enough with the clues we've received to find the idol yet.
-Kelly says "I'm worried Missy has the idol :/"
-I say "I'm pretty positive she doesn't"
-She says "Just a gut feeling?"
-I say "Nope, I'm certain"

She is paranoid as fuck, so I know immediately she assumes I have it. I know she will go back and tell her alliance I have it. I'm also testing Jenn's trust. Jenn tells me the dynamics of her alliance, so if she brings me back this info, I know I should be able to trust her.
-Jenn tells me Missy is suspicious that I have the idol. Everything worked perfectly.
-Now they think Missy doesn't, ensuring they vote Missy, and are hesitant to vote me.
-Jenn tells me something I know is true, showing at least some loyalty.
-If we lose tonight, since they think I have the idol, the vote is going to be split 2-2-2
-We have convinced Jenn to switch her vote to Joe, thus giving us 3-2-1 vote
-No idols played, Joe goes home, we have the numbers moving forward, all because of paranoia
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